Sensorimotor Art Therapies involve a bottom-up approach to therapy, where the emphasis is not the story of trauma, but instead, the trauma held within the body.
Ballarat Art Therapies offers both Work at the Clay Field and Guided Drawing. These modalities work from the view that your body knows what it needs to heal itself.
These are touch therapies, where the focus in on the sensorimotor feedback loop that occurs during the process (rather than on object creation).
Work at the Clay Field helps people sort through issues, heal trauma & improve relationships.
The clay is contained within a wooden box. You move the clay around and your hands express the story (it’s like sorting through your "stuff"). You will be guided to follow the impulses of your hands and connect with your internal landscape.
There is no expectation of making objects or knowing what to do. Your therapist will hold the space and guide you through the process, you can experience an internal shift and your issue/s release or shift. This is then where you can discover a new perspective and find yourself on new ground and within safe parameters.
This deconstruction & reconstruction in clay work may help form new pathways in the brain as it utilizes touch (senses) and the kinesthetic actions of the hands. This is a very safe way to explore conflicting experience, regulate emotions and find a new equilibrium with a specialist.
Work at the Clay Field is a unique sensory-based therapy.
"Body-focused art therapy"
"Guided Drawing.... encourages the alignment with body sensations and rhythmic repetition.....motion and emotion can be expressed, as well as blocked motion and the way it is hindered...." Corniela Elbretch
Guided Drawing involves a body-focused bilateral drawing technique, where you are allowing the body to bring attention to what is needed to be heard, as well as what it needs to heal.
The focus is what is going on in the body, rather than the verbal story, so this can be a wonderful modality for those who have found talking therapies unhelpful to them.
Guided Drawing provides another language for you to communicate what is going on for you. Founder Cornelia Elbrecht, often describes this process as "giving your self a body massage". The body is reflected on the page in movements and colour, generally with your eyes closed.
This process can be a helpful way to shift blockages and nuture self.
Materials include pastels and paints used on large sheets of paper.
For more information, see founder of Guided Drawing Cornelia Elbrecht describe the process in this video.
Guided Drawing is generally used for adults, however variations can also be used with young people about 8+ years.
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